Choose Elite Chest Run / World Tour
🆕Atta - Attalus's Foundry
Beds - Beds of Ta- Bit jet
Cast - Castrum Principium
🆕CK - Cutless Keys (Mystic Doubloons)
Helios - Heliopolis
Imp - Imperial Palace
🆕ISLE - Isle of Zurvan - Elysian Wilds
Khepri - Central Brimstone Sands
Malev - Malevolence
Mang - Mangled Heights
Mines - Scorched Mines
Myrk - Myrkguard
Pools - Reekwater
Scorpio - Brimstone Sands
Sirens - Siren's Stand / Forecastle Drift
🆕TRIB - Tribunal Highmound - Elysian Wilds
Wall - Westwall Nebet-Het
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